All photography provided by Luxe Travel Agency
Myluxe Travesls is an innovative luxury travel network, creating one of a kind experiences for our travelers. From enjoying the beaches of Italy, to diving into the culture of Havana, we’ve got you covered! Need travel guides and tips? Want to give back to communities in need? Need some travel gear? Want to learn about new cultures? We’ve got you covered!
Our Mission
“Being an aid in helping all people from all different walks of life see the world, has been a dream of mine since a child. Social Studies was surprisingly the most interesting class to me. I knew all of the capitals and often still, choose random countries to research. I remember wanting to travel out of the country, but at the time, it seemed like that was way out of budget for our family. As I got older and began to venture out on my own, I discovered that travel wasn’t as difficult as I had imagined. For the first trip I had ever taken, I went on my own and had $500 to spare. Since then, I’ve traveled around the world at my leisure, and I want others to experience the same.” - Our founder, Megan Milan
“Traveling with Luxe has given me some of the best experiences of my life! I’ll never look at the world in the same way.”
What We offer
Tailored trips by one of our experienced travel agents.
Travel tips.
Group trips
Exclusive deals
Cultural information
Networking with other travelers